Innovative software that will manage and leverage data in your quest to uncover hidden value in all enterprise business transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions - DOX™

DOX™ 1.0 and higher

Q: My company has multiple sites across the country. Can DOX™ allow these sites to share documents?

Yes. Hosting DOX™ on the web, or by making DOX™ part of a shared intranet, allows DOX™ to become a shared repository for multiple sites regardless of geographic location.

Q: Can I migrate my data from my current document management system into DOX™?

A: We support data migration from several common management systems, including Office Control.

Q: Can DOX™ be integrated to use our current e-mail system?

A: DOX™ can support any STPM mail server. Messages and notifications can be sent to user's default mailboxes, but DOX™ doesn't receive messages.

Q: Does DOX™ come with a PDF document convertor for protected documents?

A: No. To handle the widest variety of document types DOX™ is not limited to common convertable document types.


Q: If I want users to view my documents do I have to grant them access to the CBS?

A: No. Using the DOX™ binder distribution system users can access the latest version of your documents without accessing the CBS.

Q: Can users outside of DOX™ view the documents that store in DOX™?
A: Starting with DOX™ 1.1, external links can be created to allowing viewing of distributed documents. System security is maintained by requiring users to login to view secured documents.

Q: A user has been granted a permission, but he's part of a user group that has been denied this same permission. Has this permission been granted for him?

A: Yes, the user will be granted the permission. When in conflict, permissions set on a particular user will override any group settings that have been set.

Q: I have granted a user group access to the CBS tree from the administrator section, but they are unable to perform a specific action on the CBS.

A: Security settings from the Administration section are used to provide access to different areas of DOX™. To grant permissions on the CBS hierarchy to users, security permissions must be set on the CBS structure itself from the Security Settings link found in the sidebar for all items in the CBS.

Q: When I view the security settings for an item on the CBS tree, there is column entitled 'Inherited'. What does this indicate?

A: The security settings on the CBS tree follow the same hierarchy as the tree itself. Permission settings on higher levels of the CBS tree are inherited by lower items. If the Inherited indicator reads 'yes' then this user/group has permission settings from higher in the tree, while a value of 'no' indicates that they only have permission settings at this level. A value of 'both' indicates that the user has a mixture of inherited and item settings.

Document Management

Q: Do I have to create a Department and Cabinet in order to add folders and documents?

A: Yes. The CBS must follow the system structure.

Q: Can document numbers be edited?

A: Document numbers are a unique IDs associated with a document at creation time and cannot be modified.

Q: Can I store AutoCad documents in DOX™? Will users be able to view them?

A: DOX™ stores all types of documents, including AutoCad. DOX™ does not have a built in viewer, so users will be able to view documents if their browser has the appropriate plug-in, or if the client has a compatible viewer.

Q: I have large oversized documents that cannot be scanned into a computer. Can I use DOX™ to keep track of these documents?

A: DOX™ has the ability to create 'online' documents, documents that only exist online. These documents can be used to represent real-life documents that cannot be entered into the DOX™ system.

Version Management

Q: Can I edit a document to make grammatical changes, without increasing the version number?

A: Draft and reviewed documents can be edited and checked-in without incrementing the version. Approved documents must be checked-in as new versions.

Q: I checked-in the wrong file. Can I undo my last check-in?

A: A check-in cannot be undone, but if you are incrementing the version every time you check in, then you can rollback the version that you just checked-in. This will delete the latest version and revert to the version prior to that.

Q: I checked-out my document and I was prompted to open the document. It opened in my browser and I edited it. Can I perform a check-in directly from the browser?

A: No. You must save the edited file to your desktop. Then from DOX™ you can go to the document details page and check in the document you saved.

Q: My unprotected document has been in the DOX™ system for a while and it has gone through many approvals. Can I change this to a protected document now?

A: Yes, an unprotected document can be made protected even after several approval cycles. You must have a protected version of the latest version of the document. On the document details page click on 'Protect Document' in the right sidebar, and upload the protected version. You can also create protected versions of past approved versions by clicking on the version details of any approved versions and select 'Protect Version' from the sidebar.


Q: Can I create user-defined workflow groups?

A: DOX™ 1.1 allows a user group to be added as a workflow participant. User-defined workflow groups are scheduled for a future release.

Q: Can I change the properties or add participants to a workflow in progress?

A: No. Once a workflow has been created it cannot be edited. You can choose to cancel the current workflow from the workflow details page and create a new workflow for the document with the correct options.

Q: All of the workflow participants have approved of the document, but the document is still under approval?

A: In the DOX™ workflow system after all the participants have replied (or the workflow has expired) control of the workflow returns to the workflow initiator. The initiator then needs to approve or reject the workflow based on the participant replies.

Q: Can I approved my own document without sending notifications to other people?

A: There is a DOX™ configuration setting to allow self-workflows in the Administration section. You can then create a workflow with yourself as the sole participant. Then from the workflow details page you can select the checkbox to close the workflow prematurely before clicking on the approved button.


Q: Where can I create a binder? What is the difference between a cabinet and a binder?

A: Binders are created from the Department details page, but don't appear in the CBS tree. Cabinets are part of the CBS structure where documents and their multiple versions exist and where document authors can edit and modify the document. Binders group documents for distribution independent of the CBS structure. The same document can be published in multiple binders, and from those binders users can view only the latest approved versions of those documents.

Q: What is the difference between a public and private binder? Why am I adding users to the binder?

A: Public binders can be accessed by all the users of the system, while private binders can only be accessed by those users who have been added to the binder. Any users that have been added to a binder (public or private) will receive notifications when new documents or new versions are added to the binder.

Q: Do I have to keep adding newly created documents to binders? What is a 'Published' cabinet?

A: Normally a new document must be added to any user-created binders to be properly distributed. DOX™ has the feature to create a Published cabinet. This creates a binder with the same name of the cabinet and sets the binder's list of documents to dynamically match its companion cabinet.

Q: I added a document to a binder but I can't find it in the binders section.

A: A document can be added to a binder while it is in draft form, but it won't be visible in the Binders section until it has an approved version. The document also won't be visible in binder section if the latest approved version of the document has expired.

Q: If I publish documents using binders then what is the 'Publish' property found on the document properties page for?

A: Binders are used to publish documents in a defined structure and also to add low-level control of user access with public and private binders. In the Binders section is a page called 'Published documents'. This is a flat list, viewable by all users, of all the documents that have been approved and have the Published property set.

Note: If you did not find an answer to your problem, please go to the Tech Support Request Form.